Composition :
Each uncoated tablet contains :
Clomifene Citrate BP 50mg.
Excipients q.s.
Pharmaco-therapeutic class
Ovulation inducers
(urogenital system and sex hormones)
When this medicine should be used
This medicinal product is recommended
• To treat certain cases of infertility.
• To diagnose and treat certain types of
amenorrhea (absence of periods).
• To induce ovulation in the medically
assisted procreation.
When this medicine should not be used
This medicinal product must not be used in
the following cases :
• Severe or recent hepatic disease
Gynecological bleeding of unknown origin
Hormone dependent tumors
• Organic ovarian cysts
• Vision disorders during treatment or during
past treatment. Incase of doubt you must
consult your physician or pharmacist.
In case of doubt do not hesitate to consult
your physician or pharmacist.
Special warnings
Inform your physician if pelvic pain, weight gain,
or any feeling of generalized swelling occurs.
Special precaution for use
This medicinal product should only be used with
strict medicinal and laboratory monitoring.
The couple should be informed of the risk of
multiple pregnancy.
Under no circumstances should you change the
treatment regimen or the day set by your
Do not forget to have the required laboratory
tests carried out on the days specified.
If you are overweight your physician will put you
on diet.
In case of doubt do not hesitate to consult your
physician or the pharmacist.
Drug interaction and other interactions
In order to avoid possible interactions with other
medicinal products you must inform your
physician or pharmacist about any other current
Pregnancy and lactation

If you find out that you are pregnant white taking
this treatment you must consult your physician.
How to use this medicine
Your physician will decide which dose to
Method and route of administration
Oral use. Swallow the tablets with half a glass of
Treatment duration
Do not alter or suddenly stop treatment without
your physician’s agreement.
Unwanted and unpleasant effects
• Hot flushes, nausea, vomiting, fatigue,
dizziness, headache, nervosity, insomnia, heavy
periods, breakthrough bleeding, skin reactions,
frequent micturition (urination).
• Ovarian hypertrophy (increase in volume and
function) resulting in abdominal path during
• Risk of multiple pregnancy
• Insufficient cervical mucus (normal secretion
from cervical neck).
Vision disturbances that resolve when treatment
is discontinued. If these symptoms occur at each
treatment cycle treatment must be discontinued and an ophthalmologist consulted.
Do not hesitate to ask your physician or
pharmacist for advice and to report any
undesirable effect not mentioned in this
Store the medicine below 25 C°.
Protected from light & moisture
Presentation :1X10 Blister Pack